Hey there!

I am

Aryan Jain


About Me


Hi, I am Aryan Jain from Kota, Rajasthan. I am quite passionate about Computer Science & Engineering.


Completed my B.Tech. CSE (Computer Science & Engineering) in May 2023 from

IIIT Hyderabad


Competitive Programming interests me the most along-with Web Development. I keep taking part in Programming Contests.


KVPY Scholar 2018

Selected for KVPY(Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) Fellowship Award under stream SX(Class 12).

JEE-Mains 2019

Secured All India Rank 841 in Joint Entrance Examination-Mains 2019 exam.

JEE-Advanced 2019

Secured All India Rank 2112 in Joint Entrance Examination-Advanced 2019 exam.

NTSE Stage-2 2016

Qualified for NTSE(National Talent Search Examination) Stage-2 in Class 10.



Salesforce Summer Intern 2022

Added Dynamic filter functionality in the Salesforce web-app to reduce the cumbersome task of adding new filter values.

Learned how software development is done in big enterprises and experience the team collaboration.

Got PPO (Pre Placement Offer) and would be joining as a Full Time employee in July 2023 at Salesforce as AMTS (Associate Member of Technical Staff).

My Skills


C, C++, Python, HTML5, Javascript, Coffeescript, Bash


Node.js, React, Express, Bootstrap


MySQL, MongoDB, Git, Three.js (WebGL), OpenGL, Latex

Selected Projects

Wikipedia Search Engine

Aug 2021 - Sep 2021 | Python

Developed a scalable search engine on 80GBs of XML wiki dump with search time less than 6 seconds.

Applied merge-sort to create scalable inverted index and ranked documents according to their tf-idf scores.


Job Application Portal

Jan 2021 | React, MongoDB, Node, Express

Developed a web application following REST principles based on MERN stack.

Recruiters from various companies have the ability to create job listings based on their requirements for various skill sets,experiences.


eBook Reader & Translator

Jan 2021 - Apr 2021 | React, MongoDB, Node, Express

A MERN webapp co-built by me with my team-mates that can translate an uploaded English book PDF to Hindi/Telugu language.

Implemented cookie based authentication system, PDF rendering to front-end, the task of front-end beautification and integrated back-end to the front-end with my team.


Brick Breaker Game

Feb 2021 - Mar 2021 | Python

Built an arcade terminal-based game(similar to classic brick breaker), following Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) concepts.

Used classes and objects to write modular code, therefore making it extensible to new features.


C Shell

Aug 2020 - Sep 2020 | C

Created a Unix based CLI interface using syscalls, which supports multiple commands per line, chained redirection, piping, signaling etc.



Sep 2020 - Oct 2020 | MySQL, Python

Developed a terminal based Database Management System, for Coaching Industry using MySQL and built a CLI using Python PyMySQL.

The CLI covers all CRUD operations along-with special query functions like min/max/sex-ratio etc.


Contact info






IIIT Hyderabad, Professor CR Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad (Telangana, India)